God’s Junk Mail
By Kaeli Behr
I used to pray to God
I let him hear of the trashcans set ablaze in my mind
By the hooligans made of smoke and mirrors
I told him about the flickering neon signs dripping syrup
Onto the floor where bodies rolled under boots and sneakers
I was the boots
I was the bodies
I was the trash can filled with fire
I asked Him to free me of the smoke and mirrors and syrup and the sticky neon signs
When he didn’t answer I decided that maybe I was those things too
I snapped a rubber band against my wrist
My teacher told me I was disrupting class and sent me to the hall
But I could see the haze surrounding my classmates
Dark wisps and pastel swirls covering their heads
I asked God to clear the mist away from them.
He didn’t answer again
I wish there was a telephone that reached heaven
I’m sure an angel would pick up on the first ring
Or the second, if it was a busy day
I haven’t prayed to God in a while
He doesn’t need the extra junk mail I guess
And I don’t need another show of vulnerability burning in His bin
There’s a dingy silver can in this one alleyway I know
And I have a bit of gasoline
Maybe I’ll light it up
Then God will see me.
Action! by Gabby Garner