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The Bunker Review

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The Bunker Review

The Bunker Review

Patient Log

By: Livvia Faith


Submission Date: 3rd of Iorus, Third Year of Grand Divine Murielle’s Reign. 

Evaluator: Nurse Fleur Montgomery.

Patient: Octavia Di’lancette.

Room Number: 062.


Identifying Information: The patient, Octavia Di’lancette, is an approximately twenty-one-year-old of unidentified race (phys. recognition: pointed ears, black and white hair, discolored eyes and patches of discolored (ink black) skin) formerly employed as a warden’s assistant for the Theocracy of Euridia. She lived alone, bore no children, has no known relatives, and was submitted to the facility while in a state of apparent acute distress. Patient was admitted involuntarily.


Primary Complaint: Patient assaulted Divine Maida Blanche on the eve of Irous 3rd. Due to past cases of deranged behavior and manic episodes, she was submitted here: the Eterden’s Mental Facility of Millswick, Euridia. 


History of Illness: Admitted to Vierane Institution in Vierane, Kirsalin four times over the past three months. Exhibited signs of possession. Cause unknown. 


During assessment, the patient does not provide any proper response. She either refuses to talk or breaks down in a fit of what can only be described as a maddened frenzy.


The patient seems to have low self esteem. She does not sleep, nor eat, nor show any desire to be near any other person. While she refuses to speak in most cases, she expresses herself through hand-sewn puppets and strange encrypted messages. Her focus is directed towards nothing else.


On the rare occasion she does speak, her voice comes quiet and barely audible. Her words are not understood by any of our professionals. Translation attempts have been made and none provided any further insight on Octavia’s person.


Past Psychiatric History: Undiagnosed. Released early due to presented stability on two of four accounts. No risk to self or others shown on former documents.


Our purpose at the Eterden’s Mental Facility is to uncover the underlying causes of unjustified behavior and uncover cases of possible possession to please our most holy. All patients who take their own efforts too far shall face the consequences of their behavior. 


Revision Date: 7th of Iorus, Third Year of Grand Divine Murielle’s Reign. 

Evaluator: Nurse Fleur Montgomery.

Patient: Octavia Di’lancette.

Room Number: 062.


Octavia requests the presence of another doctor who officials marked as a missing person six years ago: Dr. Orion Di’lancette. She refuses to communicate with any others out of fear for her own safety, and in the single instance in which I made her audience, she did not act like herself. She spoke in a deeper voice that lacked her obscure, quiet accent and did not turn away. Nor did she blink.


By her information, Doctor Di’lancette is well and alive. She insists he is and does not back down when we mention his name. She says he will come to ‘save’ her— that he did before and always would. In her words, she is his younger sister, and he is her protector.


Current Psychiatric Statement: Undiagnosed. The patient still refuses to sleep, to eat, and to communicate with any other person. During the hours in which she is confined to her room, we believe she tries to talk to her puppets. She creates different voices and mannerisms for each, much like a young child. Possible risk to self, no shown risk to others.


Revision Date: 10th of Iorus, Third Year of Grand Divine Murielle’s Reign. 

Evaluator: Doctor Asa Lealby.

Patient: Octavia Di’lancette.

Room Number: 062.


The Vierane Institution sent over the encrypted notes and papers written by Miss Di’lancette. While we also have difficulty transcribing their meanings, progress has been made. These notes are written as half-cursed wishes for certain unidentified individuals. According to our translation, if accurate, the patient has experienced a history of trauma, to include abuse and domestic violence. We suspect her brother, Doctor Orion Di’lancette,  protected her from this in one instance or multiple instances. 


There is still no explanation for her obsession with dolls. With how she speaks to them and for them, it seems she is convinced that they, like her, are real people with real histories and personalities of their own. When asked if we could examine her puppets, she panicked and directed them to hide. We have not seen any of them since.


I believe investigating her puppets is the easiest way to understand and delve into her psyche. With how attached she is to them, they must have some significance, though we are unsure what.


Current Psychiatric Statement: Undiagnosed. Patient still refuses to sleep, to eat, and to communicate with any other person. Notes (if correctly transcribed) resemble curses. Possible risk to self and others. Monitor closely.


Note(s): Investigate puppets. 


Revision Date: 11th of Iorus, Third Year of Grand Divine Murielle’s Reign. 

Evaluator: Nurse Fleur Montgomery.

Patient: Octavia Di’lancette.

Room Number: 002.


Due to a sudden and violent outburst, we have moved the patient to the facility’s isolated ward for closer examination. Upon the threat of someone taking one (and only one) of her puppets, she attempted to suffocate Doctor Lealby. She cried out something about how this puppet, a small scarecrow of sorts, held ‘memoria’ of her brother. While we do not know what she means when she claims this, we do know that this patient is a potential danger to others. Now, we require that she wear a straightjacket and have a professional escort when taken to any other area in the hospital.


She sobs when anyone makes an attempt to communicate with her, especially if this attempt involves the mention of Orion. Not once has she spoken to us using anything other than short phrases such as ‘go away’ or ‘leave me alone’. When she believes she is in solitude, she speaks to herself and to her puppets, though we have listened closer to her words. Her speech typically sounds fast and fearful, as if she knows someone listens, and talks in short bursts of frantic nonsense. No one understands her.


Current Psychiatric Statement: Undiagnosed (but likely ill). Patient still refuses to sleep, to eat, and to communicate with any other person. High risk to self and others. Monitor closely.


Current Treatment: Semi-limited interaction with other persons and use of a straitwaistcoat when any contact is possible.


Revision Date: 13th of Iorus, Third Year of Grand Divine Murielle’s Reign. 

Evaluator: Doctor Asa Lealby.

Patient: Octavia Di’lancette.

Room Number: 002.


The patient refuses to acknowledge anyone (or rather, anything) that is not one of her puppets. Her voice never sounds quite the same, and her mannerisms prove fickle and unpredictable time and time again. She calls for her brother, calls for him to protect her, to help her, to save her… though she knows he is not here. That fact, upon many others, does not seem to click with her. 


We have performed a few tests on her, one to induce sleep so we could draw blood without her lashing out, a second to see what it is that causes her sudden shifts, and a third to re-evaluate the possibility of possession (a rather likely case). While the information gained from the first and third examinations has yet to be finalized, we now know that her attachment to the odd dolls is her highest trigger. She is exceptionally attached to the scarecrow-modeled one, which she named ‘Willow’. 


When we first took Willow, she attacked. The second time, although confined in her straitjacket, she grew restless and upset. She claimed ‘he’ (Willow) was the single closest thing she had to Orion, and that ‘he’ needed to protect Flinch (another of her puppets). When asked why the others could not, she stated that Willow was her ‘gatekeeper’, and that while Melpomene and Stitches (again, two puppets) protected her (Octavia), Willow protected the painful memories. According to her, Doctor Orion Di’lancette did the same. He ‘protected’ her. With this taken into our consideration, it is safe to say that the patient is mentally unstable.


Current Psychiatric Statement: Shows high signs of instability and likely possession. Patient still refuses to eat and does not communicate unless forced. High risk to self and others. Monitor closely.


Current Treatment: Semi-limited interaction with other persons and use of a strait waistcoat when any contact is possible.


Revision Date: 16th of Iorus, Third Year of Grand Divine Murielle’s Reign. 

Evaluator: Nurse Fleur Montgomery.

Patient: Octavia Di’lancette.

Room Number: Padded Cell. Number 001.


After the last series of tests performed on this patient, she escaped from her room. Despite this potential for freedom, she did not run from our facility, and instead sought out Doctor Asa Lealby. In an attempt to kill him, she took a cloth refashioned into a rope as well as the buckles from her waistcoat and tried to strangle him. He asked why, and she responded saying he treated her too much like ‘the one who took Orion away’. This proves our earlier theory that she suffered from some sort of trauma as a child. We suspect that this influences her current actions. 


Since her assault targeting Doctor Lealby, we have not had a choice other than complete confinement of this individual within one of our padded cells. She’s survived this long without food and barely any fluid. However, this only means her death cannot come in a natural manner. There is no longer hope for Octavia Di’lancette. While we must run more tests on her once she settles down, tests more oriented on her state of mind and worldview, we cannot help her any longer, and  we fear the same can be said for any other person who may come into contact with this individual.


Unless by some miracle, we are able to gain further insight or assistance from the missing Doctor, her brother who she still cries over in the isolation of her new room, we fear euthanasia is inevitable. Though, there is no guarantee either of those would alter the choice for this remedy.


Current Psychiatric Statement: Highly unstable. Patient still refuses to eat and does not communicate unless forced. High risk to self and others. Monitor closely.


Current Treatment: No interaction with other persons and permanent use of a straitwaistcoat. Euthanasia is inevitable.

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