Megan Quiroz, Alight. Watercolor and acrylics, 2024.
Lying down with you
Ribs linked together
Hips touching
Hands interlocked
We lie in a field of color
A vivid purple and golden yellow,
Orange outlining our bodies
I look up
The sky is a shimmering rose gold color
So fluid and graceful
Like the glittery shine put on a young girl’s lips
The world spins
And the sky seems unable to catch up
Swirling and swishing in and out of view
Whirling and twirling across the stratosphere
I look to you
Your eyes glisten
Like a part of the sky has fallen in and found home
You squeeze my hand
Letting me know you’re listening
My lips pull apart
Ready yet hesitant to speak
I don’t want to shatter the silence
I simplify my thoughts
“We’re home”